Trowel & Error  2015 – Held on Saturday, April 11, 2015 – Thanks Everyone!

T & E was an overwhelming success with standing room only. Even with the threat of rain, gardeners from all over Central Texas came, umbrellas and rain gear in hand in case the skies opened up. The speakers were enthusiastically received and were fabulous. Many, many thanks to them for their generosity in sharing their knowledge and efforts in teaching us all to be better and happier gardeners. Thanks, also, to our sponsors, who continue to support our efforts to restore Mayfield Cottage and Gardens for the community and thanks, as well, for the generosity of garden goodie raffle donors, who made everyone a winner. Last, but certainly not least, appreciative thanks to Mayfield Park/Community Project volunteers and friends who work mightily all year to make Mayfield a more beautiful and welcoming place to visit.

Here is a quick recap:

On April 11th Mayfield Park hosted Trowel & Error, a 19 year tradition for Central Texas gardeners. This spring event attracted gardeners from all over Central Texas to hear experts give time-tested tips for beautiful gardens. Lectures began at 10:00, with the event “opening” at 9:30 for those early birds who wanted to purchase Mayfield’s hard-to-find heirloom bulbs and perennials for their April gardens and to stroll the garden paths in the early morning peacefulness.

Sponsored by Friends of the Parks of Austin, the annual Trowel & Error event is Mayfield’s sole fund-raising event. All tax-deductible donations benefit Mayfield Park/Community Project’s restoration of Mayfield Park Cottage and Gardens.

The list of lectures for 2015 Trowel and Error included:

Jay White, avid gardener, contributing writer to Texas Gardener, Masters in Horticulture. Fabulous Flora for Your Fauna

Trisha Shirey, director of flora and fauna, Lake Austin Spa. Trisha’s Ten Terrific Tips for Spring Garden Success

Molly Ogorzaly, botanist, educator.Supermarket Botany: sagas, secrets, and surprises from the grocery shelves!

Many thanks go out to our 2015 Trowel & Error Sponsors:

Friends of Reed Park

Underwriting support is essential to make Trowel & Error a successful fund-raiser. If you would like to become a sponsor for T&E 2016 please contact Karen