As always my friends, we remain busy within the walls of the historic Mayfield Cottage and Gardens. I just finished re-reading last year’s newsletter and I have some updates to pass along with some additional projects we hope to accomplish in the new year cycle, and then a review of some of our inhouse and ongoing maintenance tasks.

The stanchions fabricated by Stanley Architects & Artisans were completed this last February and they were installed by Allied Fence in mid-March. The idea here, which actually seems to be working, is to gently guide our many visitors to stay on the walkways rather than the upper lawns next to W. 35th Street, the eastern lawn areas, the teardrop planting area, and the formal front of the cottage. We have many bare and worn spots in these areas and the plan is to bring in a commercial contractor to replant the lawns with a turf variety that is tolerant of shade and can stand up to not only foot traffic but also, unfortunately, drought. MP-CP paid for the installation of the irrigation system at the park in 1999 with the understanding that the Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) would maintain the system, an ongoing requirement that becomes mandatory with this new gift to the city.

The historic rock wall surrounding the small patio area between the volunteer shed and the visitors’ shed basically fell apart in December of last year, so in coordination with the PARD we brought in our good friends Brian Ash and Forrest Pope and the crew from Ash Masonry Masterworks to do an emergency repair at a cost of $32,677. Unfortunately, down below the wall gate servicing the volunteer patch gardens we have another ongoing collapse that will need to be addressed as funds allow. The initial estimate for this repair is just over $46,000. These masonry repairs are expensive but necessary undertakings by MP-CP; for a variety of reasons the PARD is unable in a timely manner to allocate the funds necessary to Mayfield to take these repairs on, so we step up when we can. These collapses are not only unsightly for our visitors but can also be dangerous to them.

In March, we brought in mulch for the re-topping of the garden paths, a project done again with the help of the Young Men’s Service League, North Central Austin Chapter. In early April, we contracted with Stonebridge Ponds & Waterfall to do a yearly deep cleaning of the historic lily ponds and we have been having them come by monthly this summer and early fall to do basic maintenance on them. All in preparation for Trowel & Error (T&E), this year held on Saturday the 6th of April. Entertainment was again provided by our friends from the Peacock Recorder Consort. Our speakers were Karen Riley enlightening us on “Worm Composting” and Cheryl Brummett speaking to us about “Monarchs, Milkweed and Migration”. The sponsors this year were PARD, Frost Bank Tarrytown, Friends of the Parks of Austin, West Austin Neighborhood Group, the Natural Gardener and Stonebridge Ponds & Waterfalls. Raffle items were donated by Shoal Creek Nursery, Anderson Coffee, HEB @ Lake Austin, Flo’s Wine Bar & Bottle Shop and Allday Pizza. As for T&E 2025, PARD has set aside the date of Saturday April 5th for us. To be very honest, our pass-along plant sale was a bust this year and the attendance for the lectures was embarrassingly light compared to previous years. We are putting our heads together here to rethink the format of this annual fundraising event and you will be hearing back from us. These spring weekends are very busy in our area and the ability to search the internet for gardening information may just be too easy.

I would be remiss in not mentioning the peafowl; our birds are going walk about more than they have in my memory and there has been voiced by our visitors concern as to what is going on. To again be honest, we don’t know. It seems they begin the day and end the day at Mayfield, but many days they head west along the street to our neighbors in the middle of the day. As I try to explain to our visitors, the flock is free ranging and other than words of encouragement, we really have no control over their movements. Wherever they roost at night, all the birds must come off the ground due to the presence of predators. We did lose two males last fall/winter to an owl within the walls and another male to an unknown predator just outside the bell gate. We also lost one hen to street traffic. And these losses are the ones we know of. We are paying attention to this.

As always, there are only limited funds and manpower that PARD is able to allocate to any park so it is through volunteer efforts that allow Mayfield to truly shine. The Mayfield Council wants to thank not only those who have given the money that make our projects feasible, but also extend a special thank you to those who have given of their time to the preservation and maintenance of this true gem in the City’s parks system. The Mayfield Cottage and Grounds, a recognized City of Austin Historic Landmark and a listed asset on the National Register of Historic Places, would not be what it is today without these volunteer efforts. Our Founders’ vision and their ongoing commitment to Mayfield has set the example for us as we continue their mission.

For tax purposes, contributions to the Mayfield Park/Community Project are channeled through an IRS § 501(c)(3) entity, the Friends of the Parks of Austin, and can be sent to:

Mayfield Park/Community Project
PO Box 5721
Austin, Texas 78763

We also have two funds registered with the Austin Community Foundation, the Mayfield Park Community Projects Fund and the Mayfield Park Cottage & Gardens Endowment Fund. The Community Projects Fund is our reserve for projects such as the pond rehabilitation project outlined above and the ongoing repairs to the park’s historic masonry. The Endowment Fund was opened with an initial donation of $20,000 from the Mayfield Council. Our Endowment Fund goal is a million dollars (maybe not in my lifetime) with the long-range well-being of the cottage and grounds in mind.

Donations may be sent to:

Austin Community Foundation
Mayfield Park
4315 Guadalupe Street
Austin, Texas 78751

That’s it for this year, and again, thank you. Keep us in mind and come visit the park. We are expecting you.

Blake Tollett, Chair
Mayfield Council
3701 Bonnie Road 78703
512-541-5913 cell/text

The Mayfield Council

Karen Cannatti, Rick Chance, Janice Brown, Tricia Zeigler
Barbara Watt, Sharon Lamb, Shawnee Merriman, Blake Tollet