The Volunteer Gardens
Over 30 garden plots scattered throughout Mayfield Park have been planted and are maintained by volunteers. Most of the volunteers are individuals, families, and community groups. Small name plates in each garden identify its caretaker.
Adopt a garden
Interested in adopting a Mayfield Volunteer Garden? It is easy. A garden committee member will ident ify which gardens are available and discuss in general what is expected of the adopters. This will provide background to help make sure the individual plot stays in the overall theme of the historic garden design. The Garden Committee welcomes individuals, families, and groups as adopters.

Adoption Process:
Please contact Janice to discuss adopting a garden. There is a one-time fee of $25 to purchase the name plate for the garden. Garden selection is secured when Janice receives the adopter Planting & Maintenance Agreement
The gardeners and groups who adopt garden plots are expected to:
Plant flowers from the Approved/Recommended Plant List
Maintain the plot
Include lilies if possible
Strive to plant “heirloom” varieties of perennials and bulbs.
Cover bed with mulch (provided by the city)
Place cuttings, weeds etc. in compost pile area
Tools and Supplies:
There is a gardening shed with implements, fertilizer, occasional free plants and bulbs and a first aid kit. An irrigation system is used for watering and hoses are available. There is also an ongoing need for general volunteers. Weeds abound around the exterior of many of the plots. And just the presence of a volunteer is of tremendous benefit. Volunteers are encouraged to remind visitors to stay on the paths, off the walls, out of the ponds and to leave the dog at home.