First, the Mayfield Council would like to thank our generous sponsors this year:
- Austin Parks & Recreation Department
- Friends of the Parks of Austin
- The law firm of Scott Douglass McConnico
- Frost Bank
- Friends of Reed Park
- Barton Springs Nursery
- West Austin Neighborhood Group
- The Natural Gardener
- McCarthy Print
And our raffle wouldn’t have been so successful with out these fine local merchants:
- Anderson Coffee & Teas
- Shoal Creek Nursery
- Miguel’s Pottery
- Magnolia Café
- Wild Birds Unlimited
- Seize the Day Chair Massage
A Big Thank You to Our Speakers:
Jeanne Ferrier, President of the Austin Pond Society
Colleen Dieter, Red Wheelbarrow Landscape consulting
Joseph Baiocchi, President of the Austin Rose Society
They were excellent and informative. Our guest numbers were down but that made for a cozy symposium we held in the cottage itself. All of the heirloom plants brought in from the gardens went out the door to new homes, our raffle brought great interest, the refreshments provided by Brownie Scout Troop 42112 were delicious, and folks showed their appreciation.
The only thing that didn’t meet our high expectation was the weather, but as a native west Texan, it is hard for me to complain about rain. An especial thank you goes out to all of you fine neighbors and friends that have been so generous in making donations to the ongoing preservation efforts at Mayfield. This being my first year as leader of the Council, it has been humbling.
We will see you at the park.
Blake Tollett, Chair
Mayfield Park/Community Project
Sponsored by Friends of the Parks of Austin, a non-profit organization, TROWEL & ERROR 2019 is the solitary fund-raiser for historic Mayfield
Many thanks go out to our 2019 Trowel & Error Sponsors!